Jay Leno’s Ecojet and other 199 cars…
Jay Leno was always known as a big car enthusiasts. With his 200 cars in garage / converted warehouse. But did you know that he also contracted General motors in 2006. to build for him Ecojet sport car. Amazing real life sport car based on Corvette. Car running on biofuel.
Another cool car in Jay’s garage is Chrysler Turbine car, of which only 50 were built in the early 1960s, which could run on any fuel except leaded gasoline. Perfume, tequila, anything you want!
Jay Leno is big supporter of green technology in car and own number of electric cars, including the 1909 Baker Electric car. Unfortunately since then we moved to petrol and V8s. But electric strike back! With all of us and Jay Leno.
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